On 31 July 2017 at 20:24, Mark Shuttleworth <m...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On 31/07/17 01:34, Michael Hudson-Doyle wrote:
> On 23 June 2017 at 11:47, Menno Smits <menno.sm...@canonical.com> wrote:
>> We've had some discussion this week about whether Juju could use MongoDB
>> from snap instead of a deb. This would make it easier for Juju to stay up
>> to date with the latest MongoDB releases, avoiding the involved process
>> getting each update into Ubuntu's update repository, as well as giving us
>> all the other advantages of snaps.
> Given that juju-mongodb 3.2.15 has been sitting in the xenial review queue
> for three weeks and now 3.2.16 has come out...
> It is clear that the SRU process is not really a good fit for getting new
> versions of mongodb to juju controllers in the wild. What else could work?
> A PPA perhaps, but that has some of the same offline story problems as
> snaps, you'd need to include the PPA in whichever archive mirror the
> controller nodes are configured to use. You could use a stream-based
> approach similar to how jujud is installed, I guess? Probably best to ship
> a deb or a snap in the stream though, you don't want to be re-implementing
> the upgrade support and process management stuff yourself if you don't have
> too. (Shipping a deb you'd need to so some worrying about how easy it is to
> build per-series debs or build a mongodb that is statically linked enough
> to work across different series -- don't really know how much work either
> of those would entail).
> At some level it's weird to express something as a deb which only exists
> to be used by one thing - Juju. The deb dependency system is really good
> for things that end up being widely useful, but not great for something
> like juju-mongodb. It has always felt like an awkwardness that would be
> better managed internally to the jujud package. There are attendant costs -
> security updates etc. But we already have duplication in that we have a
> whole copy of mongodb. Where that copy lives is not material, it should
> therefor live where it is most convenient for the people who use it, which
> is jujud.

I chatted to Menno about this on IRC today, and I think the conclusion we
came to was that having juju-mongodb in a deb was OK (it handles upgrades
and running the service and so on fine) but shipping it via the archive is
not really -- building mongodb into a deb and distributing that via streams
alongside jujud would be better.

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