I must weigh in with Paul on this one guys. I see a lot of potential
uses for uniquely identifying FeatureSchemas. I guess that I would
call this a FeatureType. If you are curious about the applications of
defining and uniquely identifying FeatureTypes just take a look at the
ESRI Geodatabase. (For example, FeatureTypes would allow you to
specify a range of allowed values for an attribute.) I believe in ESRI
FeatureTypes are called FeatureClasses.

I also don't think that it is unreasonable to specify that an OpenJUMP
project contain no duplicate FeatureTypes. However, I do see that we
allow Layers to have the same name, which I think is a bad thing... I
guess that I never noticed this before.

Martin wrote: "This all seems like a lot of extra complexity to
support something that at the moment is really only your own use case.
 Perhaps you should
publish this as a plugin for now, and if it gets used a lot then the
JUMP project can think about incorporating it in the core."

I would agree with Martin on this point. I don't think it would be to
difficult to encapsulate a system for uniquely identifying
FeatureSchema's in a plug-in. You'd could automatically add the Layer
name (as the unique ID for the FeatureSchema) and a reference to the
FeatureSchema for a FeatureCollection to a HashMap in the plug-in. If
the user tried to create a Layer with a duplicate name you could
create an error message.

Or you could prompt the user to enter a name for a FeatureSchema when
creating a layer, although this might be more confusing for them.

I think the best solution would be to allow users to assign a unique
FeatureType or FeatureSchema to the Layers that they select (after the
Layers had been created, of course). That way we aren't forcing this
on users that have no need for it.

You could capture the relationship between the FeatureSchema, Layer,
and unique FeatureSchema indentification at the time that the user
made the association. If you want it to be really easy you could
automatically fill the unique id text box with the name of the Layer
that the user selected for the association. That would solve your
reflection problem. You would never need to ask a FeatureSchema if it
had a unique name. You could just see if there was a unique id
associated with the  instance of FeatureSchema by asking the plug-in.

If Paul think's he would be interested in doing something with
FeatureTypes or uniquely identified FeatureSchemas via a plug-in I'd
be interested in the design, as I think this really is something that
I will want to tap into in the future.

The Sunburned Surveyor

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