On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 12:49:18PM +1100, Keith Owens wrote:
> I want one standard name for "vmlinux compressed with gzip" - vmlinuz.
> Part of the problem with kbuild 2.4 is each arch did their own thing, I
> am trying to standardize.  It helps documentation if nothing else.

After thinking about this abit more, I think it sounds like kbuild-2.5
is trying to make all of the arches do the same thing, and that will be
a bit of a problem.  Right now each of the arches has a few
commonalities.  There's a 'zImage' target, and almost everyone makes
some sort of gzip'ed vmlinux.  But that's about it.  On PPC the 'zImage'
target will produce at most 5 distinct zImages at once.  We also have 4
different ways of writing out the program that actually sets up and runs
Linux, and about a dozen different formats for the kernel.

So aside from having one place that asks 'What do you want to build for
your kernel' (which on PPC could actually be a set of bool's so we could
build a zImage.srec and zImage.elf and zImage.bin (ELF header removed))
and not having to have arch-dependant help texts (maybe), I'm not sure
what's gained.

Tom Rini (TR1265)

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