I'm using KIM platform 3.0-RC-4 and i've got some problems, please help me
solving them:
1) I create new document, add to document repository

DocumentRepositoryAPI apiDocs = kimService.getDocumentRepositoryAPI();
CorporaAPI apiCorpora = kimService.getCorporaAPI();
String content = DocumentResource.TEST_URL_01;
 KIMDocument doc = apiCorpora.createDocument(content, true);

but when i browse web ui, i can't see this document and i must restart KIM
to take effect. Is there any way adding new document to repository without
restarting or it is the same problem with deleting document in

2) In documentation, to import new instances into KB, i must create new file
(nt..) , import it to owlim and restart to take effect. So with new
instances got from annotated documents, is there another way to import them
into KB using java API.

3) When i add my own ontology to KIM, there may be some properties which are
the same as properties in PROTON, how i should do with them? Mapping it to
PROTON's properties using rdfs:subPropertyOf or using only my properties or
using only PROTON's properties...

Cong Hoang Nguyen
University: Hanoi University of Techonology and Science.
Email: congnh0...@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/monday0rsunday
YH: congnh0902
Skype: monday0rsunday
Phone: (+84)1678565200
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