>There was a demonstration in The Hague, The Netherlands, on Friday 24
>March. It marked the start, one year ago, of NATO's war against Yugoslavia.
>It was part of a world wide, continuing, movement to remember the victims,
>help stop continuing violence in Kosovo, and prevent more war.
>The demonstration started at the Malieveld near The Hague's Central railway
>station, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. This time meant many workers and
>students who would have participated, were unable to. The weather:
>torrential rain. Nevertheless, hundreds of people had gathered, nearly all
>with banners and signs, often home made. According to the Dutch national TV
>news, it was only: "fifty Serbs". Well, it is not the first time Dutch
>NATO-ite TV is wrong.
>The crowd varied: from Serb to Croat to Asian Dutch; from dreadlocked
>teenager to grey haired octogenarian veteran of the Resistance against the
>Nazi occupation of The Netherlands, 1940-1945. A lady had travelled all the
>way from Enschede, the extreme East of The Netherlands, to The Hague, the
>extreme West. She had not travelled most of the demonstration: there was a
>representative of the Filipino  organization Bayan, from California, USA,
>along with someone from the Filipino community in Amsterdam.
>Slogans asked: "F-16 pilots [of also the Dutch air force], can you still
>sleep at night?" They pointed out that "30% of the victims of NATO bombs
>were children". They remembered Milica Rakic from Belgrade, who never grew
>beyond three years old. They remembered Sanja Milenkovic, the sixteen year
>old mathematics champion of Yugoslavia; the girl died as NATO bombed
>Varvarin bridge, where never any tank had crossed, as it was too narrow for
>any tank too cross. "Do you know what cluster bombs are? We do!" said a
>sign. And "Billions [of Dutch guilders] for people's well-being; not for
>bombs!", said another one. Copies of the new issue #3 of Dutch "Targets"
>magazine, opposing NATO military exercises in Kosovo, went from hand to hand.
>As the demonstrators marched for hours through the The Hague city center,
>one of them from time to time played a recording of the air raid alarm
>signal during the bombing. At the Peace Palace, the International Court of
>Justice, a delegation of the demonstrators handed over a petition. The
>demonstrators kept silent for two minutes, to remember the victims of the war.
>The actions against continuing NATO militarism will continue. For instance,
>from 11-14 April against an armaments trade fair, also in The Hague.
>And on Saturday 25 March:
>in community centre VERZET [Resistance]
>Hembrugstraat 156
>Amsterdam; from Central Station bus no. 22
>19:30           Welcome
>19:40           Video "Under Nato's bombs, 15 Belgians in Yugoslavia".
>                 (a travel account)
>20:30           Explanation on the film by Michel Collon
>                 (journalist and participant of the journey).
>20:45           Pause
>21:00           Discussion,  chaired by Wil van der Klift.
>Herman de Tollenaere
>My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:
>See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:


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