>>Forward from mart.
>>Please distribute widely.

>>From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: September 7, 2000 5:05 PM
>>The following article was published in "The Guardian",
>>newspaper of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue
>>of Wednesday, September 6th, 2000.
>>CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
>> Lies, lies and damned lies
>>"Serb killing exaggerated by the West", said the headline of the
>>London <BI>Guardian" (18/8/00). The paper's subheading said
>>itmore forcefully and underscored the enormity of the lie: "Claims
>>of up to 100,000 ethnic Albanians massacred in Kosovo revised
>>to under 3,000 as exhumations near end."
>>by Bob Petrovich
>>Think of what this has to mean to Madeleine Albright, James
>>Rubin, and Jamie Shea. They didn't pull this off single-handedly.
>>Not only the US Government, but the worldwide media fabricated
>>a "genocide" and, on that basis, launched a savage war against
>>asovereign nation, that had never attacked us, in the name of
>>"humanitarianism -- a war, I might add, that was stopped but has
>>not ended.
>>Where are the bodies, all 100,000 of them? This became the task
>>of the "war crimes experts", as the "Guardian" describes them: to
>>produce what never existed in the first place -- a task that
>>naturally had to end in failure.
>>The "Guardian" reports:
>>"As war crimes experts from Britain and other countries prepare
>>to wind down the exhumation of hundreds of graves in Kosovo on
>>behalf of the UN's International Criminal Tribunal for the former
>>Yugoslavia in the Hague, officials concede they have not borne
>>out the worst wartime reports.
>>"These were given by refugees and repeated by Western
>>government spokesmen during the campaign. They talked
>>of indiscriminate killings and as many as 100,000 civilians
>>missing or taken out of refugee columns by the Serbs."
>>It was lies, all lies, from beginning to end. They may have
>>originated from government sources, in most cases, but in
>>spreading these lies far and wide the Western media were
>>more than willing accomplices.
>>Keeping in mind that over 5,000 civilians were slaughtered in
>>the NATO air strikes, the ladies and gentlemen of the [media]
>>might fairly be characterised as Madeleine's willing executioners.
>>Based on the myth of an Albanian Kosovar "holocaust"
>>perpetrated by the Serbs, not only Milosevic and his regime
>>but also the entire Serbian people are condemned.
>>Here was classic war propaganda, on a par with stories of
>>Belgian babies impaled on German bayonets during World
>>War I and tall tales told during the Gulf war of babies dumped
>>out of incubators and gasping for breath on the floor of a Kuwaiti
>>The idea is to get public opinion behind the complete subjugation
>>and "re-education" of the Serbian people, utilising the post-war
>>German model.
>>In the case of the Kosovo war, the retreat has already begun.
>>Fartoo late to help the victims of the vicious "Allied" air war:
>>they are dead and buried, or else mutilated beyond repair.
>>Yet we are still waiting for some acknowledgment from the
>> media that they were wrong.
>>Endless horror stories illustrated with fantastically high death
>>tolls were aired day after day on CNN but when will we hear a
>>retraction? Christiane Amanpour [CNN reporter -- Ed] repeated
>>her husband's lies with a perfectly straight face: tens of thousands
>>slaughtered, we were told, and the murderous drug-dealing KLA
>>were really "freedom fighters".
>>Journalists didn't question the US Government line about alleged
>>äSerbian "genocide": instead they wanted to know if the President
>>would send in the ground troops, and if not, why not?
>>Phillip Knightley who has written on wartime propaganda in his
>>book "The First Casualty" said recently: "Usually the truth about
>>what has really happened during a war will emerge after it is
>>over. Sometimes it takes years and years. But sometimes the
>>truth surfaces quite quickly.
>>"Within little more than a year after the Gulf War we knew that
>>the claims for the pinpoint accuracy of Allied air strikes and
>>the ability of the Patriot missiles to intercept Iraqi missiles
>>>were all nonsense.
>>"Within two years we knew that many of the atrocity stories
>>attributed to the Iraqis -- American public relations companies
>>working for the Kuwaiti Government, for example -- had invented
>>the incubator babies story.
>>"But, of course, by then it was too late to make any difference
>>to the outcome of the war, and the media caravan had moved
>>on.  We are learning only now that the CIA helped train the Kosovo
>>Liberation Army before the bombing began.
>>We did not realise at the time that NATO was lying when it said
>>it did not deliberately attack civilian targets. There will be a
>>lot more, believe me."
>>If, by some chance, the truth about Kosovo gets out, how will the
>>American [and Australian? -- Ed] people react to the revelation
>>that they were lied to by Clinton's numerous media enablers? Will
>>they, like the Serbs, chase the bums out of town -- or will they
>>bask in the warm security of their narcotised ignorance,
>>indifferent to the truth and immune to righteous indignation
>>except when prompted by government propagandists?
>>This is the difference between cultural health and decadence,
>>between a truly American political culture in the traditional
>>sense and one that has become alienated from its roots and
>>degenerate beyond redemption or revival.
>>I like to believe that Americans are not numb to the crimes of
>>their government. I like to think that they don't react to the
>>crimes of the US against the people of Iraq -- daily bombing
>>excursions and 5,000 children a month killed by murderous
>>sanctions -- because they don't know about it. That is why
>>antiwar.com exists -- and must continue to exist.
>>Bob Petrovich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Antiwar website: http://www.antiwar.com
>>Footnote: And what of the Australian media, the ABC and SBS
>>reporters who lied with the best of them. Will some qualify for
>>the Walkley Awards for journalism?
>>What of the government spokespersons who must have
>>known the truth but went along with the war propaganda and
>>took in thousands of the "poor" and also deceived Albanian
>>refugees as their contribution. What of "Green Left" which
>>excelled in its support for the drug-pedalling, CIA-trained and
>>fascist KLA beefing them up as "freedom fighters", instead
>>of as the imperialist mercenaries that they were?
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>>Elimination of the exploitation of man by man
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