>*Additional note from the LPDC attached after message*
>(dictated by phone from Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary)
>Dear brothers and sisters, friends and supporters,
>I just want to thank everyone for their contributions toward this year's
>clemency effort.  I know a lot of people think that the LPDC has access to
>sizeable funding due to the support we have from many affluent people, but
>in reality, our movement has always been a grass roots movement.  And, I
>have learned all too well over the years that the only people we can depend
>on to struggle and sacrifice for what is right, is each other.  We are the
>ones who do not have much to lose, unlike many who enjoy luxuries and a life
>style we could never even imagine having access to.  However, I know that
>that means every penny you have donated has not come easy and I want you to
>know that I very much appreciate your heart felt help.   The LPDC tells me
>that we have now raised $17,053 and that we are close to being able to hire
>the PR firm who we so desperately need at this time.  They are the people
>with the connections we need, both among the media and in Washington DC, and
>I cannot express to you how important their help is.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH,
>my friends for your support.  We could not do it without you.  You continue
>to give me hope for a happy ending to this year's struggle.
>In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
>Leonard Peltier
>LPDC NOTE:  We want to remind everyone that the fund drive is set to end on
>Leonard Peltier's birthday, which is only 5 days away!  Our total fund
>raising goal is $50,000, which means we still have $28,000 to raise.  If you
>are in a position to contribute any amount, and have not gotten around to
>sending in that donation yet, now is the time to do it!  Let's get as close
>as we possibly can to reaching our goal on Leonard's birthday.  If each of
>Leonard's supporters donated just a small amount, we would have enough to
>really pump up this fight!  Thank you very much for your continued support
>and help.
>PS We are waiting for the new sweatshirts to come in.  For those of you who
>donated $100, you will receive your gift sweatshirt as soon as we get them
>in!  Thanks for your patience.
>Print this form, and send it in with your donation:
>YES!  I want to contribute to the emergency fund drive and help gain freedom
>for this innocent man!
>Name ________________________________ Phone #___________________
>Enclosed is my contribution for:
>___$25 Please send my free year’s sub of Spirit of Crazy Horse News to the
>       address
>___$50 Please send a copy of Prison Writings, My Life Is My Sundance by L.
>___$100 Please send my Free Peltier sweatshirt to the above address
>___$150 Please send a “What About Joe” poster to my above address
>___$500 Please send me one numbered print of  ___Grandma Jumping Bull,
>___Spirit of the Bear
>___Big Mountain Lady
>___$1000 Please send me ____a full set of the above prints
>                                                ____a signed copy of In the
>Spirt  of Crazy Horse
>                                                ____a hand beaded necklace
>made by Leonard Peltier
>                                                ____an “Oasis in the
>Badlands” (an Edward Curtis
>                                                         lithograph donated
>by Christopher Cardozo, Inc)
>___$5000 Please an original Peltier oil painting.
>___Other, I have enclosed a contribution of  $ ______.
>NOTE: With the exception of Prison Writings and oil paintings by Leonard
>Peltier, all gifts will be available during this fund drive only.  Donations
>over $100 are tax deductible, but checks must be made out to “Global
>Exchange,” our 501C3 fiscal sponsor, with “c/o LPDC” in the memo.  All other
>checks can be made out to LPDC directly.  All donations should be sent to
>our address.  Thank you for your generous contributions. LPDC, PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044.
>Call the White House Comments Line Today
>Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111
>Be in New York City December 10th
>Peltier March For Freedom!
>Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
>PO Box 583
>Lawrence, KS 66044
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