On 06.01.2012 08:25, Gordon Messmer wrote:
On 01/05/2012 11:07 AM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
I started with an update to seabios, from the bundled version to a rebuilt package from F16, 0.6.2-3.el6. That's enough
to get the guest to boot with the pass-through video card. It doesn't
work, currently, and I'm pretty sure that's because I can't read the ROM
from the card. I'm going to look around for a solution to that and will
update again.

Well, I finally figured out that I have to enable the reading of roms
from the device by writing "1" to the "rom" node in /sys/. Now the
problem is that the rom is 64k, and only 32k are making it into the
guest. I saw a reference to this problem here:

I've updated seabios to 0.6.3, and I've rebuilt the qemu-kvm packages
from F16 on CentOS 6.2 to try those. It took a while, but didn't change
the results. I'm still only able to read 32k of rom from the node in
/sys/ in the guest.

Perhaps I'd have better luck with a different card.

In the meantime, thanks for your advice. I think I'm close, and I'll
keep working on the project. If I get it working, I'll send along
further details with the steps I had to take.

Do you have the ROM as a file on your HDD perhaps? If so, you can try the following: -device pci-assign,host=05:00.0,romfile=${ROMFILE}.
This used to work fine for me even with ROM file of around 130k.

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