I've implemented the new orthographic agreement, as required to comply with the law. But now I have problems:

 * English and Portuguese share several common words, some of them used
   in the variables id and the "#:" section of the strings (vectorize,
   actualize,etc). Those common words were also affected by the tool I
   used. I did already a first diff check and will do another, line by
   line in every file, but it's possible that I miss something;
 * several rules changed and several accents were eliminated. This is
   going to cause (I think) errors like the typo error caused by the
   replacement of "carácter" with "caractere".

So, two questions:

1. Is there any test I can perform to verify all these problems (other
   then visual diff) before uploading the files?
2. Is there a deadline for AOO 4.1? I'd really like to get it done
   before this next release.


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