[Note: Since this article was published in Greek, the arrested GD leaders
have been released on bail. Furthermore, during his testimony that lasted
six hours, Ilias Kasidiaris, one of the GD MPs had allegedly said he knew
who the “protected witness” was. Greek media have indicated that the name,
address and phone number of the ‘protected key witness’ who had testified
against Golden Dawn were included in the charges copies given to the
defendants’ lawyers “by mistake”… This reveals further connivance between
the state apparatus and the GD leaders! More on this soon...]


Greece: The arrest of Golden Dawn leaders – what does it really
Written by Stamatis Karagiannopoulos of the Communist Tendency of SYRIZA
and member of the party’s Central CommitteeWednesday, 02 October 2013


The arrest of the Golden Dawn (GD) leadership as well as its MPs has
naturally caused great satisfaction among labour movement and Left
activists. But we must be careful not to allow this to foster illusions in
the democratic nature of the bourgeois state.

The images of these Nazi bigots being dragged away in handcuffs and locked
up in cells that until recently were reserved for demonstrators,
trade-unionists, left-wingers and anarchists, as well as “illegal”
immigrants, can only instil feelings of joy among the majority of the
working class and youth who have always opposed the Nazi propaganda of this

These arrests of the Golden Dawn Nazis, although they promote genuine
feelings of satisfaction amongst the working people, are also naturally
helping to breed illusions in the role of the bourgeois state and the
latter day democrats of the ruling class, those same politicians that in
government are applying a programme that is pushing the working class and
poor layers of society deeper and deeper into poverty, a programme that no
longer bears any semblance of “democracy”.

Ever since those arrests, the bourgeois media have been praising the “rule
of law” that was apparently applied in punishing the leaders of the GD. The
truth, however, is the exact opposite to what they are claiming. It is
precisely the total lack of any “rule of law” that has allowed these Nazis
to grow, transforming them into an important political factor in the
bourgeois camp and society in general. Golden Dawn was founded in the 1980s
and ever since then has committed thousands of small scale and large scale
crimes against immigrants and left-wing militants, taking advantage of the
tolerance as well as coverage provided by the same state. The state with
its police, judicial institutions and apparatus, not only did not prevent
GD from growing, but trained it, funded it, armed it and used it as an
auxiliary in its own operations against the labour movement and the Left.

After the dramatic growth of the GD, caused by the sudden dissolution of
the traditional bourgeois political camp, rather than because its ideas and
methods, a significant number of state officials provided it with safe
channels through which it could rise as a political force. The terminology
used by the State itself, such as the “rule of law” and so on, serves as a
mask to hide the real corrupt and reactionary nature of the bourgeois state
and to help people to forget its own active participation in the
transformation of this Nazi gang into a legal parliamentary party, a party
which poses no dangers to capitalism but at the same time can channel some
of dissatisfaction towards the very same policies they serve.

Hence, according to the rule of law, the state arrested the Nazi
leadership, not to provide justice but because this is what the interests
of the ruling class dictate at this point. The ruling class and its patrons
in the Troika wanted the Nazis to function and operate under their own
political and operational control. They wanted, to quote the famous
bourgeois apologist Papadimitriou, for the GD to be a “serious” partner in
a bourgeois front that would prevent the Left getting to power on a
revolutionary programme.

Nonetheless, the Nazis themselves became emboldened by their remarkable
rise in recent polls –largely due to the blind indignation against the
corrupt bourgeois political system – and above all, because of all the
privileges of parliamentary representation, the economic support from a
section of the capitalist class and their powerful links to the armed
forces, and mainly the police. It therefore became evident in the last few
weeks that they were implementing their own plan for an independent
challenge for power. The plan was centred on the physical exhaustion and
intimidation of Left and labour movement activists.

However, the political assassinations that are part of their programme, as
in the case of Pavlos Fyssas or the failed attempts to kill KKE activists,
avoided only at the last minute, were creating an atmosphere of
revolutionary ferment among the masses and especially among the youth,
while at the same time openly exposing the government coalition partners as
being responsible for covering up and backing Nazi activities.

At a crucial moment when the Greek ruling class is trying to achieve some
sort of parliamentary stability and “social peace”, so as to be able to
introduce its new harsh austerity measures and seek help from the Troika to
solve the dramatic funding gaps of the state, the risky activities of the
Nazis could not be tolerated. Bourgeois reaction could either sacrifice
these pampered extremists or give in to their opportunism. However, the
latter option would soon lead to revolutionary developments. Therefore,
driven by cold political calculation of its key strategists, the government
chose the former option, thus abandoning once and for all its plans for
some kind of political cooperation with a so-called “responsible Golden

The reaction of the masses immediately after the assassination of Pavlos
Fyssas, is what forced the bourgeoisie to adopt a policy of curbing the
Golden dawn. Thus we saw the unusual harsh language of the government
against the GD, the daily attacks in the bourgeois press against it, the
drastic changes in the leadership of the Greek police, the orders for an
investigation into Nazi cells within the army and the police, the decision
to proceed in the prosecutions of those responsible for 32 attacks carried
out by this gang and eventually the arrest of most of the GD leaders.

The position of the ruling class against the GD can be summed up in the
following words: “We reared you as an auxiliary force to complement the
official forces of repression of the state. You responded adequately in
terrorising left activists and intimidating immigrants. But, it seems, you
want to follow your own plan and agenda. You forgot the fact that you are
our dogs. Your crazed arrogance made you difficult to control and, thus, we
will have to fence you in and release you only when we feel we fully
control you.”

Therefore, the conflict that broke out after Fyssa’s assassination, which
culminated in the arrests of the GD leadership, is one between different
wings of the Greek bourgeoisie. It is not at all a conflict between
“democracy” and fascism. We should not forget that today’s persecutors of
the GD, the bourgeois “democrats” of New Democracy and their followers,
were until very recently GD’s protectors lining up to form a parliamentary
alliance with it. They were the same people that turned the Constitution
into a scrap of paper, so as to pass their Memoranda of mass pauperization
through parliament within a few hours; the same people that in any
mobilisation of the working class, order the police forces to attack
ruthlessly and to throw chemicals at thousands of demonstrators. These are
the same people who inevitably in the future, when they will be faced with
the threat of losing power with the overthrow of their system, will support
an openly Bonapartist, totalitarian system of governing.

In the final analysis, the basic political difference that today’s
bourgeois “democratic parties” have with the Nazis is not about their
“loyalty” or “faith” in democracy, but rather it is a question of when, in
what form and to what degree should a totalitarian system be imposed on the
country. The Nazis were expecting the unravelling of this perspective to
take place within just a few months, in the form of a fascist regime with
themselves in the driving seat. Their “democratic” persecutors on the other
hand, wish to avoid any “adventures” of premature totalitarianism of
uncertain realisation by exhausting all the parliamentary avenues and, when
necessary, to rule by decree, suspending specific articles of the
Constitution and unhesitatingly using the oppressive apparatus of the state
and its auxiliaries to defend their own interests.
Media “laundering” of fascism and the bourgeois state

Behind the campaign about the defence of “democracy” and “rule of law”, the
bourgeoisie through their media are carefully trying to clean up the image
of their state, as well as that of fascism itself as a political current.

The bourgeois state is not defined by the “rule of law”, but by the fact
that it is made up armed bodies for defence of social injustice. Its
suffocating control, through the dozens of material and institutional
“strings” at the disposal of the ruling class, its monstrous bureaucratic
and repressive character are all reflected in a tendency towards greater
and greater corruption and arbitrariness as well as its transformation into
a privileged breeding ground for fascist cells and structures.

The Left has a responsibility to expose the intrinsic fascist tendencies
within the reactionary bourgeois state and cannot afford to simply talk in
the abstract about “law” and “democracy”, as do the representatives, not of
scientific socialism, but of bourgeois liberalism. An example of this is
the statement of the Political Bureau of SYRIZA issued after the arrest of
the GD leadership, in which they announced that, “...Today we were shown
that democracy and our current judicial system provide us with every
possibility for criminals to be decisively put before the Law…”

The indirect cleaning up of image of fascism as an ideology is being used
by the state judicial institutions and the bourgeois media, by dealing with
the GD as an inherently “criminal organisation”. Thus, what is being
projected as a danger to society is not fascism as an ideology, with all
its policies and methods, but rather the criminal actions of certain

This attempt to separate the motives from the actions is not accidental.
Today’s bourgeois persecutors of the GD, with the arrest of its leaders,
are trying to preserve a space for the fascist and semi-fascist extreme
right by replacing it with a different name and image; a force which this
time would be under their full control, but would be fulfilling the same
political role as the GD has done.

The Left must not make any concessions to this way of dealing with the GD,
treating it as merely a criminal organisation, separated from its political
aims and ideas. Unfortunately, the above quoted statement of the Political
Bureau of SYRIZA and the public statements of leading members of the party
have been clearly influenced by this dangerous myth of the GD being merely
a “criminal organisation”.

We, the Communists of SYRIZA, fully participate in the joy and satisfaction
of the millions of progressive elements of the working class in witnessing
the arrest of the Nazi leaders. However, we must stress the point that
there should be no illusions in the “democratic” intentions of the ruling
class and the government, no illusions in the – inherently fascist leaning
– bourgeois state and its role, including not only the armed forces but
also its judicial institutions, that are connected with a thousand strings
to the interests and privileges of the capitalist class.

Fascist reaction will attempt to re-emerge, possibly with a different name
and image. GD over the past year and a half has created its own powerful
political tradition and influence that will continue to be present within
the state apparatus. Its arms, its sources of finance and its properties
will simply switch hands. Their army of lumpen thugs, temporarily reduced
because of their low morale at present, will pass on to new leaders.

The electoral influence of openly fascist reaction, under the name of GD or
any other name, will be reduced for some time, but it will not be
completely eliminated. A wing of the ruling class will carry on funding and
preserving the fascist milieu. On the basis of the deep capitalist crisis,
there will still be a confused audience for nationalist, racist demagogy.

May the comrades of the Political Bureau of SYRIZA forgive us, but we are
duty bound to highlight the fact that we would not be telling the truth to
the working people if we support – as they do in the statement that they
published – the idea that the “decisive blow against the fascist threat” is
“democracy, justice and workers’ power” as well as the “democratic overturn
of the barbarism of the memoranda” in the abstract. A decisive blow against
fascism can only be achieved through the overthrow of capitalism and the
smashing of the state that serves its interests. Unfortunately, this idea
is not shared as the first and foremost duty of the leadership by either of
the two leading tendencies in the party. It is only the Communist Tendency
of SYRIZA that fights for this idea.

Our call to the comrades of the Political Bureau at this moment is not
focused on the need to accept a Marxist programme, since we have seen their
rigid opposition to this during the summer conference. What we urgently
call on them to do is to stop beautifying the bourgeois state, abstractly
talking of “Justice”, the “Law” and “Democracy”. We call on them to make it
clear that SYRIZA will not cooperate with any bourgeois parties to form a
“united constitutional front”, that SYRIZA will not cooperate with parties
that are, by the nature of their class interests, direct relatives of the
GD. We also call on them to reject boldly the theory of the so-called “two
extremes”, making it clear that SYRIZA, by its nature and principles,
constitutes the opposite pole to fascism in particular and of bourgeois
reaction in general, standing for genuine workers’’ democracy and socialism.

Furthermore, they should stop calling for a passive stance against the
fascist attacks, under the name of a supposedly “ethical, political and
ideological isolation of fascism”. The alarm signals that came from the
fascist attack against the communists of Perama and the assassination of
Pavlos Fyssas, should not be ignored. Hundreds of confused Nazis will carry
on their activities underground. The lives of labour movement and Left
activists are still in danger, as the desperation of the Golden Dawn
members will escalate after the “betrayal” they have suffered at the hands
of their friends and their promising parliamentary partners. The creation
of a united antifascist front by the political organisations and trade
unions of the working class, together with the formation of Groups of
Antifascist Defence in every workplace and neighbourhood, as well as the
establishment of a Central Antifascist Militia, is still an urgent
political and class duty.

(September 29, 2013)

[Note: Since this article was published in Greek, the arrested GD leaders
have been released on bail. Furthermore, during his testimony that lasted
six hours, Ilias Kasidiaris, one of the GD MPs had allegedly said he knew
who the “protected witness” was. Greek media have indicated that the name,
address and phone number of the ‘protected key witness’ who had testified
against Golden Dawn were included in the charges copies given to the
defendants’ lawyers “by mistake”… This reveals further connivance between
the state apparatus and the GD leaders! More on this soon...]

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