The concrete fact – Human can’t decommission Fukushima plant by the current 
technology level
If the contaminated water from Fukushima was visible as oil spill in 
the Gulf of Mexico, the whole world would have been panicking 2 years 
In reality, nobody cares because you can’t see it.
I’m motivated to keep updating about Fukushima by the concrete fact,
Human can’t end Fukushima accident with the current technology level.
Everybody thinks someone would invent the technology someday somehow.
but there is no guarantee.
Japanese government said it would take 40 years.
It’s been only 2.5 years.
However Tepco’s already been seriously weakened. They can’t stop contaminated 
water leakage for the most basic errors.
>From their announcement, they have no plan to build the new tanks 
from this October. Fukushima worker also states there is no “atmosphere” that 
Tepco is rushing to make new tanks.
They will run out of the storage this November ~ December.
It’s not only about the storage.
Radiation level is jumping up near the “coastal line” of the plant. 
Some members of the governmental task force point out the possibility 
that the contaminated groundwater in the deep layer is splashing up due 
to the impervious wall.
Also, it looks like Tepco is hiding something, the groundwater is severely 
contaminated “upstream” of the tanks.
Whether it can be done by Tepco or multinational forces, they must 
commit into the total investigation of the plant area to know what 
actually happened, how it is now.
but even that hasn’t been done.
Like spent fuel pool, Fukushima plant and American nuclear plants share the 
same system in common.
Tepco doesn’t want to disclose what they were doing in the plant. 
Also, America doesn’t want to disclose something that may happen to 
their own nuclear plants too.
This may be stopping them the first step -Total investigation.
We don’t have the technology to purify the water, identify the 
location of the molten fuel pieces, remove them, with all the workers 
We can’t even stand on the starting point without knowing the actual plant 
The countries to accept nuclear power, this is the result.
Iori Mochizuki
When they finally announce the truth, it’ll be already too late.

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