Hi everyone:


Molly, my 8-month old spayed female labradoodle surprised everyone in the room yesterday by humping my leg. It was the first time we have seen that from her.


For some reason, I thought that was a behavior of of male dogs only, and particularly male dogs that have not been neutered.


My question, for those who know, is why my dog does this. Is it something that is driven by doggie hormones? I thought that spaying surgery removed both ovaries and part of the uterus. Doesn’t that eliminate the hormones, or are there other glands that deliver these kinds of hormones? If she were not “fixed” then this is about the age that she would be coming into heat. Could her humping behavior have anything to do with that?


So what do you do about it? Ignore it and look away when she mounts the neighbor’s foot? Distract her?


Could she have a genital irritation that might cause this? She occasionally licks herself, but I thought that was something that all dogs did.





.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

John Morehead




Labradoodle Dog breed gift Labradoodle dog
Labradoodle dog breed Mixed breed dogs

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