The belly band is literally like a bandaid and will not teach him not to go in 
the house.

Abigail Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          I had good luck with my border collie, who was neutered late, by 
keeping a leash on him and anytime I saw him starting to side up to something, 
I gave a jerk and said no. I didn't know about belly bands 10 years ago when I 
got him. Sometimes you might need a combo of the belly band AND the training. 
Hopefully one, the other or both will help. If you haven't already had him 
neutered, I would get that done asap, as that sometimes helps as well.

EddyAnne4 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      
  Rena, a belly band is basically a diaper for doggies.
  Kendra, maybe you should not assume he will stop. Yes one could try a belly 
band when they are inside the house, which in some cases works wonders but in 
some others cases it does NOT curb the marking behaviour and all the belly band 
does is keep the urine off whatever they were trying to mark on, then there is 
the matter of some doggies try to pull off the belly bands so you may still 
have to keep a close eye on them. In cases where the belly band does NOT curb 
the marking behaviour inside the house then that behaviour is being repeated, 
associated and conditioned, and if so it could become very difficult to 
UNassociate or UNlearn, and some doggies have been known to wear belly bands 
for the rest of their life when inside the house.
  Eddy Safianski
Sale Victoria. Australia


    Abigail S. Morrison
   Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. ~Thomas Jefferson~

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