> I have a strong suspicion -- Weronika? -- that Poland is now aping the 
> custom (along with many others). When I was growing up, the dates were 
> not only written in the "day, month, year" sequence (the logical 
> progression from the smallest to the largest unit), but the month was 
> written in Roman numerals, just to make everything perfectly clear. So, 
> today, would have been: 28.V.04.
> Sometime after I left, the month began to be written in Arabic 
> numerals. I expect, with the school week being reduced from 6 days to 
> 5, there was't enough time to teach kids Roman numerals <g>  But, later 
> still, I began to get things dated *both* ways: 28.5.04 and 5.28.04. 
> Drives me up the wall :)

How was it arranged when spoken?  
We say 'May 28, 2004', would you have said '28th of May, 2004?


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