On May 29, 2004, at 12:19, Lorri Ferguson wrote:

How was it arranged when spoken?
We say 'May 28, 2004', would you have said '28th of May, 2004?

Dwudziestego osmego maja, dwa tysiace cztery (or: dwa tysiace czwartego roku), Lorri Ferguson napisala (on the 28th of May, two thousand and four, or: in the year two thousand and four; Lorri Ferguson wrote). Polish is highly inflectible; we depend more on word endings, than on prepositions. And endings might be harder to learn, perhaps, but are easier to use :)

Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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