Hi Spiders,

        I've been following the thread of the survey and replied privately
to Ruth Budge about the sawdust pillow queries.

        >Shirely, do you have trouble with dust coming from the sawdust

        Nope, never had any trouble whatsoever with dust coming from the
pillow.  When Jim made it he and Dad actually used the blow part of the
hoover constellation vacuum cleaner to blow in the sawdust so its rock hard
-  but I love it.  The sawdust came from a hardware store who sold indoor
(therefore not treated with arsenic or anything else) wood and had a
commercial saw for cutting to size  I can tension away till my hearts
content without the pillow ever moving.  :-)  When I've removed a finished
piece of lace I just lay a covercloth (upside down) on the floor, place the
pillow on it (upside down), take of my shoes and do a dance on the pillow
(it has an MDF base) and all the sawdust falls back into place, never a hole
in the middle at all.  Sure its heavy but it works for me.

        Now, how many pillows do I have.........hmmmmmmmm  two sawdust
pillows (I inherited Mum's smaller sawdust pillow), two foam cookies (don't
really like them at all) one styrofoam honiton pillow which I tie down to my
pillow stand as its very light, one travel pillow and one square (soon to be
made round) block ethafoam pillow.   Somebody mentioned that they had 500
bobbins  -  I'm not even going to go there!  Jim made so many bobbins for me
I daren't count them just in case I talk in my sleep.  :-)

Bye for now,
Shirley T. - Adelaide, South Australia where we will probably have a frost
tonight, only get about 5 frosty nights a year.

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