"The harder I practice, the luckier I get..." EXCELLENT! Thanks for that one!

I also like the analogy with the violin.  You don't need to say more.


Catherine Barley wrote:
<that my first few designs are real clunkers, duds, yuk.  But I don't let
myself be stopped by these failures.  I just> <keep slogging away at it
until, eventually, I get good at it.  I don't want anybody else to be
intimidated or think there <is some kind of magic that people are born with.

My sentiments exactly!  I once had a student who said to me in class one day
"Why doesn't my lace look like yours?"  She was one of those students who
never even looked at her lace never mind worked it, between classes.  What
does one say without being unkind so I thought for a moment, and knowing
that she played a musical instrument I asked "How often to you practise your
..."?  "Oh, every day" she indignantly replied.  I said no more.

The famous golfer Gary Player was overheard saying to someone, when he hit a
brilliant shot and called him 'lucky', "The harder I practise, the luckier I

We were all complete beginners once and none of us were born with the skills
we have acquired over several decades.

Catherine Barley



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