Dear Mark
I would love to look at your bloemwerk lace and other things on your web-site but each time I do, I only get about one inch of picture at the top of the screen and then am told that it is 'done'. I have tried all combinations of your tat-man address but it is always the same. Is there something unique about your web-site? I do not have this problem with other sites.
I use a laptop with WindowsVista Premium /Windows Explorer.
Any advice would be appreciated as it is very frustrating to read all the Wow comments and not be able to see it.
Janis Savage
in Honeydew near Johannesburg, South Africa

Thanks.  That means a lot :)  Here is a lace edging that can accompany the
bodice piece.  Just took similar motifs of the bodice and worked it in a
scallop fashion.

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