Having up to date details as to where to go from here is essential, but also is the permission of those whose details you are handing out. Sometimes teachers and groups don't have space for extra people, and you want to avoid the possibility that potential new lacemakers will be put off by the contacts leading to disappointment.

Also remember that not everyone, even in this day and age, has a computer or easy access to the internet. I am sure that holds true in the US as it does here in the UK, but so many people take them for granted they don't stop to think that there are still those without! Also, there are times when for one reason or another the website is unavailable. For this reason, there should always be a variety of means quoted to make contact.

If you don't know something exists, you are hardly likely to do a web search on the subject - particularly with a subject like "lace" which can bring up some quite inappropriate sites! Getting out and being seen is probably the best way to spread the word - and despite all the claims that bobbin lace isn't portable I have no problems using my travel pillow on the 4.5 hour train journeys I regularly make!

In message <DA50B3922072440CBAD1FE282B837851@Cecily>, Lyn Bailey <lynrbai...@desupernet.net> writes
   On those few times I have demonstrated, I have handed out a half sheet of
8 1/2 x 11 paper with lists of the local IOLI chartered groups, IOLI url, a
few suppliers’ websites, a beginner book I like.  I direct them to the next
step.  It thus behooves ALL chapters to have a website,
 I believe it is much
easier to email to a link with a question, than to make a phone call.
Jane Partridge

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