Hi Spiders All,
I am reading this thread with interest.   I also was fortunate to have a good 
teacher at first, and have been very thankful for her help, as it eradicated a 
lot of my general shyness in life, and eventually enabled me to teach others, 
join lace committees, and even reach the dizzy heights of being a Chairman of 
the Lacemakers' Circle.
However, when I was at a Lace Day, representing the Circle, I can vividly 
remember another (very respected) lace tutor telling me that I should NEVER 
teach people how to start and end laces, as that way, they have to keep coming 
to classes as [I quote[ "It is bums on seats we need in the classes, not people 
who can do their own thing"    Needless to say, I was horrified, which is 
probably why I have remembered so vividly what was said so many years ago - and 
I do endeavour to continue to teach the way I was taught - hoping that there is 
always something new to be learned, and that the classes are fun and enjoyable 
too, to make people wanyt to come back for more.
Best wishes to you all, and may your puins never bend!
Carol - in North Norfolk UK.
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

Subject: Re: [lace] Old beds

I also started out with a person who enjoyed calling herself a teacher, but who 
was actually a terrible teacher.  

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