The Torchon Tug

The Torchon Tug is an awesome force
To keep all those passives in line.
If they start in to waiver all over the place
Just give them a tug and they're fine.

A Point Ground Pull is a different affair.
The thread is so fragile and thin.
A Torchon Tug here would wreak havoc galore
And probably pop out a pin.

And Bedfordshire lace is a class on its own
With techniques to avoid any grief
Give a good Torchon Tug to tighten a trail
But watch out when making a leaf.

'Cause a leaf in this lace needs the greatest of care
In keeping the tension just right.
The first thousand leaves are the worst I am told
And I only make two in a night!


I think some tensioning is always necessary, regardless of bobbin weight
relative to thread size. I just do it differently. For fine thread laces it
is enough to just stroke the bobbins in a downward direction, like petting
For thicker threads, especially thicker linens, actually tugging on each
pair relative to every other is necessary.

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