The local Cultural Coalition is making an index (survey) of local Arts,
Culture and Heritage.  One of the categories includes arts of all kinds. I
decided my Bobbin Lace Art needed to be included, so filled out the long
I thought it interesting, in the list of suggested arts, that Tatting was
included but not Bobbin Lace.  They now have it added.  In the USA we still
have lots of people who are not aware of bobbin or needle lace despite our
many demos and displays.  The person who wrote the form must have been on of
I am curious if our lace group picks up any new people through this listing. 
Come to think of it, I may go back to the webpage and make in entry for our
local Lace Group. There is an organization section as well as single artists.
The survey is intended to be a reference when someone is looking for a teacher
or program, or help in community events.  I'll just have to see where it
Alice in Oregon

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