In 2016, after some encouragement from another lace maker and gifts of the
large enough gold coloured rings to allow them to fit I set about making a
lace suncatcher with bobbin lace and beads for my sister who was at that time
diagnosed with a nasty cancer.  Once I sent hers and she obviously loved it so
much, putting it up at her kitchen window where she sat drinking her morning
coffee, watching the bird visitors to her garden and enjoying the quiet and
the sunshine, I decided to make one each for my other two sisters, then my
daughter and then my Mum.  Ours got put on the back burner for a while, so I
could do some tatted pieces as quick christmas gifts for friends.   My sister
sadly died which took the wind out of my sails and over the coming months I
did very little lace although I did get dragged back in to make some wedding
lace in the middle of last of last year for my new daughter in law but during
that time my elderly mother also passed away.  At age 93 It was much more to
be expected but lots of the little bits of lace I made always ended up in her
hands or else we talked about it often on skype so some of the impetus left
me.    I decided not to fret over it knowing that if I just left it I would
decide my best route in time and of course in recent times I spoke to my
husband again about the shelved flower I had been working on back some while
ago which is a commemorative piece for my Mother in Law.  I wasn’t impressed
with the bobbin lace petals so tried needle lace instead and got a complete
mental block part way through it and put that down as well.  Since then I
tried a pattern from the fantasy flowers book I have of the daisy type lace
but worked it in blue and although that turned out quite nice it still
wasn’t right for my purpose but at breakfast the other morning I was looking
at the two poppies sitting on my mantel piece and realised that Janice’s
poppy petals were the right shape petals for my flower and now in less than a
week I have made all the petals I want which look great but hunted the house
to little effect for some very special gold buttons I bought which would make
an ideal centre for the flower ready to begin filling my second flower dome.
Because I was getting close to completion I emailed my nephews and my siblings
asking them for their ideas of what flower my Mum and my Sister loved best,
thinking that one flower each would make a nice addition and we have had two
days of flurries of email ideas for me to pick through.    I think we have all
enjoyed the chat as much as I did, when it was light hearted rather than the
life or death stuff they have been going through.  My nephew’s son is
currently recovering from a double lung transplant he had been quite poorly
with his Cystic Fibrosis, so they are about to hold a massive celebration over
in Canada and I am going to set about making flowers for my dome and the
suncatcher in lace.
Another conversation we have had over recent days was talking through with my
DH is as we have now been given back Mums green and gold suncatcher that tones
in nicely with our own sittingroom colours do I still want me to make another
of the suncatcher piece but in gold thread and beads for us as we are
approaching our Golden Wedding Anniversary and he said yes.  So now I am
excited about it instead of bored or feeling pushed into making something, for
the first time in a while.    Of course since then I have hunted all my
folders for the prepared pricking ready to begin and didn’t find it, so as a
last ditch idea I asked DH to get the pillow boxes down from the top of the
wardrobe and there it was still attached to the pillow all this time, waiting
for me to begin our own, which was meant to be December 2016.

So now over to you, what lace projects are some of you about to tackle which
you are looking forward to?

Sue T
Dorset UK    Where we are having some summer (its better than the spring we
are probably actually on, lol) although parts of the country have had a months
rain in the middle of horrendous thunderstorms in the last couple of days.

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