On 8/30/09 6:08 PM, Mr. Meitar Moscovitz wrote:
On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Sarven Capadisli wrote:
And, what if it gave the opportunity to edit before sharing
(which is a common practise)?

I do like that. I'll often find a share-worthy notice but I'll add a
!group or a #tag to it before I send it, so getting the chance to edit
before "sharing" seems necessary to me.

Also be careful about automatic truncation before you provide that editing... I frequently find that the most important bit of a notice -- say, the end part of a URL -- is cut off when forwarding/retweeting/redenting in Nambu on my iPhone. I then need to go back to the web interface, cut-n-paste, and manually edit the notice until it fits.

For me, it's a much better user experience to copy the whole thing initially, then let the me trim it down by hand if it needs it.

-- brion
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