I tried in Eclipse 4.2 (with whatever ant version comes with it) as well as on 
the command line using Ant 1.8.2 on OS X with Apple JDK 1.6. Except the wrong 
URL and the failing test cases, there seemed to be no issues.

I have a connection.csv in


I did run the build.xml in the dictionary folder to get the dictionaries 
though. Once with a simple "ant" which gets the ipadic and once with:

        ant -Ddictype=naist-chasen

Btw. lucene-gosen 1.2.1 is old, there is a new 2.0.2 version.

-- Richard

Am 02.10.2012 um 19:56 schrieb Daniel Naber <list2...@danielnaber.de>:

> On 02.10.2012, 19:22:58 Richard Eckart de Castilho wrote:
> Hi Richard,
>> and try to build it and run the tests?
> how exactly do you build it? "ant" complains about a missing connection.csv 
> here.
>> I have already uploaded the lucene-gosen-ipadic that I built to the UKP
>> Maven Repository. If they have a problem, I can still remove them from
>> there or update them, but that is not possible when they are on Maven
>> Central.
> Your build works with LT, at least the tests don't fail. I'm not sure if 
> there's someone on this list who can give a more informed review.
> Regards
> Daniel

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