Could you commit it, please?


I will still ask for Minho University help creating the rule... after the rule is done I will start adding the regular rules I add in every release.

Thank you very much!

Kind regards,
           >Marco A.G.Pinto

On 08/07/2014 17:55, Jaume Ortolà i Font wrote:
2014-07-08 17:34 GMT+02:00 Marco A.G.Pinto < <>>:


    I have contacted my Minho University friends who make the pt_PT
    dictionaries for Mozilla and OpenOffice/LibreOffice.

    They said they can create the postag dictionary and help.

Hi Marco,

What I and Marcin try to say is that there is no need for creating a postag dictionary. It is already done and you can download it here [1]. The first lines of the dictionary (after merging the different grammatical categories which are in separate files) look like this:

wordform // lemma // POS tag

aa a NCMP000
à a+a SPS00+*
aacheniana aacheniano NCFS000
aachenianas aacheniano NCFP000
aacheniano aacheniano NCMS000
aachenianos aacheniano NCMP000
aais aal NCMP000
aal aal NCMS000
aaleniana aaleniano AQ0FS0
aalenianas aaleniano AQ0FP0
aaleniano aaleniano AQ0MS0
aaleniano aaleniano NCMS000
aalenianos aaleniano AQ0MP0
aalenianos aaleniano NCMP000
a a NCMS000
a a SPS00
aba aba NCFS000
aba aba NCMS000
aba abar VMIP3S0
aba abar VMM02S0
abá abar VMN0000
abá abar VMN01S0
abá abar VMN03S0
ababá ababá AQ0CS0
ababá ababá NCCS000

The next steps for building a dictionary that can be used in LanguageTool are described here [2]. You need at least the "binary POS dictionary". The "binary synthesizer dictionary" is not essential (it is used only for generating suggestions; for example, plural of amigo > amigos).

If you want, I can build and commit the dictionary in a few minutes. I your learn to do it, you'll be able to make yourself improvements to the dictionary in the future.

Jaume Ortolà

[1] Downlad page:
Download and extrat freeling-3.1.tar.gz and go to /data/pt/entries.


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