
I've done this some montsh ago, with a command like:
ip route add default equalize scope global nexthop  via $EXTGW1 dev
$EXTIF1 weight 1 nexthop via $EXTGW2 dev $EXTIF2 weight 1

However, this is not the problem.
While loadbalancing of simple requests worked fine, there where
problems when you worked with connections. I mean HTTPS, of FTP
connection for example.

The problem was fo me that the system trys to send packets of the same
connection throught different gateways, so with different IP source
(each DSL connection was from different ISP). This caused the server
not to understand why the same connection sent packets with 2
different source IP ;)
Well, I hope you understand me.

If you would do real load balancing, and in a proper way, you should
not only do it by link charge, but route packets by connection to.
(routing all packets of the same connection through the same gateway)
This is caused because you must flush the route cache some times (or
packets to a destination will allways take the same route, wich is not
a loadbalance).

So if someone has done it and doesn't have this problem, I'm interested too :)


Jordi Segues

On 22 Jan 2007 09:49:28 +0100, sAwAr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

my company have just bought new network and I have question about one problem.
As in topic we must use few completely different dsl's and balance traffic 
between them.
2M/0,5M 4Mb/0,5M 8M/0,5M
I've never done such thing before so I have doubts how it will work. If the 
links are symmetric 2/2 4/4 8/8 there is no problem because with weights I can 
compensate  the difference between them and achieve nice results. But what in 
my situation?
My questions are: how to set load balancing to get all links equally loaded and 
avoid situation when the up load will be full and download almost empty? I 
believe this situation can happen due to fact that load balancing is based on 
flows and for example p2p or smpt/pop3 will eat whole upload.
If my problem isn't clear I'll try to explain it better later.

Thanks in advance.

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