Martin schrieb:

I get an error: uemOpenAnotherView not defined, in sourceeditor.pp?
it is in ide\lazarusidestrconsts.pas
Maybe you need to make clean all? (or tick the checkbox)

That didn't help, but removing the condition around the declaration made it compile on Linux. On Windows I had no such problem. Dunno why...

=> All this is not likely to be fixed soon => the idea is to wait what happens to IDE docking

Why wait? When we fix the details now, I know what to implement for docking.
Well first, it is not wait only.
there are still bit's and pieces in SynEdit to be fixed. And sourceEditor/Notebook must be adapted too. So it simply is work in progress.

I hoped you had fixed everything till tomorrow - but maƱana will be okay as well ;-)

persistent layout, was one of the things I thought of, when I said "waiting".

You provide the interface, I'll provide the values.

It has to be seen how good window state/size/pos can be saved with the current means (because there can be any amount of edit windows)

I'll try a simple INI style format for the layout, for now.


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