> A listbox also has a selected property. You can check if an item is
> selected by checking the corresponding selected instance. Like:
> begin
>   for I := 0 to (ListBox1.Items.Count - 1) do begin
>     if ListBox1.Selected[I] do
>       ShowMessage(ListBox1.Items[I] + ' is selected');
>   end;
> end;

Thanks, this is exactly what I needed, now a related question, how can I 
determine the LAST thing that was selected ? In the order the user clicked 
it, I need to hook up something to the onSelectionChange event that will let 
me show a description of the current selected item, and if another is 
selected, change to the description for the new one etc. etc.

"80% Of a hardware engineer's job is application of the uncertainty principle.
80% of a software engineer's job is pretending this isn't so."
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International

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