A.J. Venter wrote:
Maybe a little bit more:


function TCleanDirectoryDialog.SearchFilesToDelete(var List: TStrings):

This will not only search recursively, it ahs an include and exclude
The central function is the sub function SearchInDirectory, which is
probably what you are searching.

Thank you for this, it got me some of the way in fact, I started with SearchFilesToDelete and began to try and abstract it into a general use
function (with which I will probably implement a component later) keeping
the source as intact as I could throughout.
First difficulty is that it uses a LOT of outside units which are not by default in the path, adding synedit as a requirement got me some of the way but there are at least one function I couldn't find at all (SimpleSyntaxToRegExpr), and I have NO idea what it is using macros for, or whether that is important, for now I commented that line which still lets it compile.

It is really easy to find:

Search -> Find in files -> Search in the lazarus source directory

ide\ideproc.pp line 2293.


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