Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> Well:
> I don't think that after so many years, Lazarus should change it's name.
> People taking offense at this name only make themselves ridiculous.
> I refuse to take that (or them) serious. ( Yes, and I will take the
> risk that I will burn eternally in hell for this ;-) )
> If I remember correctly, the FPC irc channel was once mistakenly 
> confused with a channel for people with peculiar sexual tastes. 
Okay now I'm curious... what KIND of sexual tastes?  Never mind.  Sorry
I asked.  And I agree - if you're going to take offense at a project
name, why the heck do you use SATAN for scanning your network? ;-)  Or
is that SAINT... lol

I agree that changing the name needs to be seriously considered.  We
recently went through the same question regarding my company name. 
Finally we came to the conclusion that we got better brand recognition
with the current name even though a new name might fit our service
offerings better.

I mean, how many people really know what 3M stood for?  Originally it
was a VERY poor choice for a name considering what they end up selling
now (i.e. post-it notes.)  But, they have enough brand recognition if
they tried to change it, it would be disastrous.

So the question is, do enough _programmers_ know what Lazarus is to
dissuade a name change?  Or is it still obscure enough that we'd get
more recognition from a more targeted name?


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