On 5/14/06, Borut Maricic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
* The success of Lazarus depends on the support for doing
useful things in a reliable, nice and easy way - the name is
not so important.

Acctually I think that what makes a tool or language popular is
propaganda, and the best propaganda on software development is having
many popular software built with it! Being the best tool / language
doesn´t necessarely bring popularety.

The best thing that would happen for Lazarus IMHO, would be more
popular software built with it on the Linux distributions. So people
will start noticing it, and using it. KDE for example, is a major
propaganda for Qt. They even ship KDE with a Qt IDE!!

I am already doing an effort to get the magnifier into Fedora Extras,
but of course just one lone software isn´t enougth.

* Lazarus is/will be on the radar screen of the Delphi users
in the first place.

Yes, Lazarus is targeted at Delphi programmers. It will be more
independent as the help system improves, because then we can also
attract new developers, not only Delphi developers.

* However named, the name will become known through the
unique qualities of the system and not the other way around.
I believe it is already quite known, so that possible
positive impacts of the name change are questionable.

I see Lazarus gaining increasing popularety. Changing the name could
cause confusion and have a negative (yet temporary) effect on this

* Abandoning the relation to and the mention of Pascal
(because those not in the know regard it as a dead and
never-of-any-use language) does not seem acceptable to me.

This is the path borland headed to. They now say their language is
Delphi, not Object Pascal. Shame on them.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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