On Sat, 20 May 2006 12:31:02 -0600
L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Being atheist means you "beleive" that he does not exist.
> > Certainly not. Not seeing something where there is nothing and where
> > it is not necessary that there is something is not a belief, it is
> > a knowledge. I don't "not to believe" that there is a Rammstein CD in
> > orbit around Pluto, I do know there is none (but don't ask me to prove
> > it, I cannot).
> Does a dog have knowledge about colors?  Can a dog imagine red, orange, blue, 
> green,
> purple, violet, etc? A dog can only see certain shades - gray, some blue.
> So if you asked a dog whether he believed red/orange/yellow/purple existed, 
> the dog would
> tell you that you are full of shit. Well, an agnostic dog, on the other hand 
> would say "I
> don't know - I'm not sure - maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong".
> Therefore you are agnostic, not atheist. Agnostic is "not knowing", and let 
> me tell you
> 100 percent of the world does not know anything about how or where the world 
> was created,
> and how or where the thing that created that world was created, or whether it 
> was a thing
> or not - or some figment of some thing's imagination. 100 percent of the 
> world does not
> know anything - we are all agnostic. None of us are atheists, and none of us 
> are
> religious. We all do not know. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many different 
> religions
> out
> there - if we KNEW what existed we would only have one religion. If KNEW that 
> nothing
> existed, we would all be atheists. This is no the case. We know NOTHING, we 
> are all
> agnostic.
> YOU don't know there are more colors out there than the ones we can see. If 
> dogs cannot
> see certain colors, we ourselves may not be able to see certain colors. You 
> do not know.
> We may or may not be the only being out there that can see as many colors as 
> we can. But
> you do not know. Believing that we are the only being out there that can see 
> all colors is
> like being atheist - you think you know something, but you are just as bad as 
> those who
> believe in aliens or those who believe in god. You are just as naive. The 
> reality is, you
> do not know, and they do not know - you are ALL agnostic.
Thanks for enlightening us. But this whole discussion has really nothing to do 
with lazarus/fpc/programming in any sense.
So everybody wanting to talk about religion please stop spamming this mailing 
list and talk somewhere else.
Thank you for your understanding.

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