On 12/12/06, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not an font expert, so I don't know, what properties are needed by
TFont to make it cross platform (if this is possible).

I have to agree, that it is quite difficult to handle fonts on
multiple platforms. fpGUI handles this in a very rudimentary way doing
some basic mapping.

TGfxFontClass = (fcSerif, fcSansSerif, fcTypewriter, fcDingbats);

Querying the font based in any of these 4 font classes, will work fine
cross-platform.  Specifying a specific font will not be 100%

... Each platform will implement how the font class maps to a font.
Here is the X11 code ...

class function TX11Font.GetDefaultFontName(const AFontClass:
TGfxFontClass): String;
 FontNames: array[TGfxFontClass] of String = (
   'times', 'bitstream vera sans', 'courier', 'symbol');
 Result := FontNames[AFontClass];

Fonts seem to be a tricky thing to handle.  I haven't looked yet, but
anybody know how Qt handles this on multiple platforms?

Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

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