On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 23:49:51 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Tell that to all the KDE or Qt users out there!  I really don't get
> > > this argument? Why wouldn't you?
> >
> > If I am a KDE user, then any Qt app will appear native to me; so I don't
> > get your point ?
> Qt draws all it's own widgets. It isn't a wrapper for native widget
> sets. Your statement was the if it was custom drawn, you wouldn't use
> it. Well Qt is custom draw, KDE is based on Qt, so that is custom
> drawn. Now how many KDE and Qt users are out there. A lot!! They all
> seem happy to use a custom drawn widget set, so why wouldn't you?

QT is as native as it gets for KDE users.
Same with GTK and Gnome.
Or Enlightenment and its widgetset. 
Following your reasoning every widgetset on *nix is custom drawn.
Sorry, but you have no point at all.
On *nix the desktop enviroment determines what's native. *nix system are 
different in that respect as the widgetsets are not tied to the OS like on Mac 
or Win.

I get the slight feeling that this 'discussion' drifts away from being related 
to Lazarus at all. Or is there any point?

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