I've just sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] the patch which implements the tabbed notebook version of the Configure Build Lazarus dialog, whose screenshots I submitted some time ago.
Tested mainly with gtk 1, but also with gtk 2 & Win32.


Two tabs, one for Quick Build Options, one for Advanced Options.
An Advanced Options page, which is exactly what is available right now, unchanged. A Quick Build Options page which is nothing but a front end to the advanced pages: it does nothing but check the appropriate options. It stores two different user preferences for LCL widgetset and IDE widgetset.
It opens on the last used page (Quick or Advanced).

As the Quick Build Options just checks the appropriate things in the Advanced Page, after making the selection on the Quick page, one can check the result on the Advanced page, making it easy to verify what building will occur.

Currently Build IDE doesn't check Build IDE Interface. Is that correct in all cases? Or it would be safer to force a build of the IDE Interface when building the IDE for a widgetset different from current (=default)?


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