Guadagnini David wrote:

Try to avoid Arguments and Methods prefixed with _
For Aguments there is no problem in prefixing them with "A", for property getters there is nothing wrong with prefixing them with Get. In your case, GetIsMask makes perfectly clear that it "reads" the IsMasked property.

Variable names like X1, X2, XX1, XX2
Please name them after there use: GetSel(X1, X2) could also be coded like: GetSel(SelStart, SelLength) (or was it SelStop)
You see... with naming them it will be clear.

Question... SelStart and SelStop are present in TCustomEdit controls?

I mean them as variable names. If they are present as properties use StartSel/StopSel for instance.

Why using the C approach for naming all kinds is Char_xxx (as char). Pascal has a perfect suitable type for this : enum.
No cludging winth #nn and mak sure they are unique etc.

For me it is easier to administer. But if you want I change it

They are clearer, and can be checked better if they are in range for instance. (who will check if #42 is valid in your case)

What do you mean by administer ? declaring like:
  TmyEnum = (Enumone, enumTwo...);
is imo easier than:
  TmyEnum_EnumOne = 1;
  TmyEnum_EnumOne = 2;

if you man the FMask array ? Delcalre it like FMask: array of TmyEnum;

in CanInsertChar, why do you use short stings and why assigning S := FMask instead of accessing Fmask.

Because in Delphi if I use String can not access to a single char with S[] and I must trasform String in ShortString or in PChar or in Array Of Char

Don't know about your version of delphi, but all the versions I know (D1..D7), you can access SomeString[i] as character

Pasting is handled by the widget itself. unlike in windows, I think a paste isn't redirected yout

The strange thing is that the procedure PasteFromClipboard not be invoked

Paste from clipboard is an "action". The developer tells the control to get the contents of the clipboard (like it was pasted by the user)


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