
[...Not really Lazarus related, but seeing that here are many
technical writers I thought I would post this here...]

I normally use LaTeX for documentation or articles. LaTeX does the
most beautiful typesetting by far.  But seeing that most people don't
even know what LaTeX is I thought another format might help (for our
company at least).  Please note, I'm not suggesting rewriting FPC or
Lazarus articles (or documentation)!

Anyway I decided to use the Open Document Format (ODF), seeing that
it's recognized as a standard format.  I also decided to use
OpenOffice seeing that it runs on a lot of platforms and is freely
available.  OpenOffice is also a simple install and includes
everything you need - LaTeX documents sometimes require non-standard
(non included in default install) .sty files.  OpenOffice also allows
exporting to PDF, LaTeX, MediaWiki etc formats. Because ODF content is
really a XML file, data can also be extracted from well styled
documents with ease.

As I mentioned, I really like the typesetting and layouts of LaTeX
documents, so I'm busy recreating those styles in OpenOffice as
templates.  I'm busy recreating the 'article', 'report' and 'book'
document classes.

I'll make those templates available from my website soon.  Oh yeah, if
anybody has already done something like this, please let me know so I
don't duplicate work! :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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