 > IOW: I expect Lazarus users to be knowledgeable, Lazarus is not for

I offer you all this.  The #1 reason why Microsoft Windows (3 and up) took
off and became so popular was Visual Basic for idiots and Turbo Pascal /
Delphi for the coders between C++ and VB.

The long term success of this project would be cemented if we all keep a
more welcoming attitude to all walks of developers.

(VB, Delphi, and C++) types should be able to utilize Lazarus in the years
to come.  Lazarus should even have an "Express" edition with more powerful
features not even available.

IMO Lazarus has serious potential to rival that of Java.  It just needs more
time and backing.  

IMO this file size issue is a serious problem for popular utilities that
will run on anything.  8MB is totally unacceptable.  We need a check box
option in the compiler section to strip out all debugging code from LCL and
make our distros tiny.

How long will that take?

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