
I have some questions about delta E calculation.

I calculated the delta E between this lab points:
L = 54.44073903
a =  -34.82222743
b = 0.18986800

L = 54.92340686
a = -33.45703125
b = 0.00000000

using several formulas obtaing this values:

cmsDeltaE = 1.460
cmsCIE94DeltaE = 0.719
cmsCMCdeltaE = 0.769
deltaCIE00( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) = 52.908

Is it right deltaCIE00 produces a so big value?

I tried a debug using the following spreadsheet and related article

and I found a possible cause in the line
double h_ps = atan2deg(a_ps, b_ps);

This function should return 180 and return 0 instead.

If I modify the function in this way

double atan2deg(double b, double a)
  double h;

  /*if (a == 0)
           h   = 0;
           h = atan2(a, b);
h *= (180. / M_PI); while (h > 360.) h -= 360.; while ( h < 0)
       h += 360.;
return h;


I obtain a value 0.72243850693447653.

Is it correct?

Can I have your opinion about this modification?

Is there a way to speficy parameters in cmsCIE94DeltaE and
cmsCMCdeltaE similarly to deltaCIE00?


 Andrea Galligani    __\/__
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