On Saturday 04 March 2006 07:48, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>       I got off on the monitor profiling tangent a bit this morning, and 
> as far as I can tell, nobody gives a crap about linux-land monitor 
> colorimetry.  Argyll allegedly supports two devices, but they're both old 
> and expensive.  Ran across this idea:
> http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Proposal_for_Monitor_Profiling
>       Basically, it assumes that one can generate an accurate color 
> profile for a digital camera, and then turn around and use it as a 
> colorimeter to profile your monitor.

Very interesting idea; thanks for the pointer.

I'd love to work on an open-source driver for a ColorVision
Spyder or similar device, but I haven't been able to get hold
of a spec.  It probably wouldn't be too hard to reverse-
engineer the protocol, but I'm not willing to do that part.

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