
Since a previous mail earlier today mentioned that there is apparently going to be a new release of LCMS in the near future, I just wanted to emphasise one request which has already been made on this list before - a re-naming of the BOOL type.

LCMS is a great toolkit, but for all of us who use LCMS together with Objective-C (under Linux and/or under OS X) a solution for the BOOL issue would really be a great help.

It is one thing for me to patch lcms.h to use LCMS_BOOL on my own machine, but to require all users of the software we develop (which is distributed as source) to do likewise is a rather ugly requirement.

So: if possible it would be great if you could include a fix for this in 1.16.

Best regards, and many thanks to the maintainers of LCMS for their efforts!

Alexander Wilkie

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