Hi Elle,

Sorry, with the profiles you sent and transicc from lcms2-2.6, this  
does not happen. I got the expected values.
Please check the version of lcms2 you are using.

BTW, -c0 is not needed in lcms2 and may cause problems. This may be  
the source of the issue in versions previous to 2.6

M:\lcms2-2.6\bin>transicc -c0 -t1 -w -o sRGB-V2-g10.icc -i sRGB-V4-g20.icc
LittleCMS ColorSpace conversion calculator - 4.2 [LittleCMS 2.06]

Enter values, 'q' to quit
R? 255
G? 0
B? 0

R=255.0000 G=0.0000 B=-0.0000

Enter values, 'q' to quit
R? 255
G? 255
B? 0

R=255.0000 G=255.0000 B=0.0000

Enter values, 'q' to quit


Quoting Elle Stone <ellest...@ninedegreesbelow.com>:

> Transicc and also tificc both produce oddly wrong results when
> converting near-zero and zero RGB channel values from one RGB matrix
> profile to a second RGB matrix profile with a different TRC but the same
> colorants (as per converting a linear gamma sRGB image to regular sRGB).
> Below are some transicc examples. The profile names indicate the profile
> spec version and the TRC. All the profiles were made using LCMS2 and
> have identical colorants and chad/white point.
> First case: Both profiles have a true gamma TRC (V4 vs V2 makes no
> difference):
> transicc -c0 -t1 -w -o sRGB-V2-g10.icc -i sRGB-V4-g20.icc
> 255 255 0
> R=255.0000 G=255.0000 B=0.0134 (the B channel should be zero)
> 255 0 0
> R=255.0000 G=0.0282 B=0.0000 (the G channel should be zero)
> 255 0 255
> R=255.0000 G=0.0331 B=255.0000 (the G channel should be zero)
> 255 0.001 0.001
> R=255.0000 G=0.5037 B=0.5051 (G and B should be equal to each other)
> Going the other way produces negative RGB channel values:
> transicc -c0 -t1 -w -i sRGB-V4-g20.icc -o sRGB-V2-g10.icc
> 255 0 0
> R=255.0000 G=0.0000 B=-0.0000 (negative B channel)
> 255 0.001 0.001
> R=255.0000 G=0.0000 B=-0.0000 (negative B channel)
> 70000 0.001 0.001
> R=19215684.3750 G=-0.3511 B=0.0270 (the G and B channel values should be
> equal and positive)
> Second case: The destination profile has the V4 sRGB parametric TRC:
> transicc -c0 -t1 -w -i sRGB-V4-g10.icc -o sRGB-V4-srgbtrc.icc
> 0.0001 255 0.0001
> R=0.0015 G=255.0000 B=0.0013 (R and G channels should be equal)
> 255 0 0
> R=255.0000 G=0.0000 B=-0.0000 (negative B)
> 0 255 0
> R=-0.0002 G=255.0000 B=-0.0000 (negative B)
> 0 0 255
> R=-0.0001 G=0.0000 B=255.0000 (negative R)
> When using GIMP 2.9 from git (which uses LCMS2) to do the same profile
> conversions, it turns out that the "zero" and "-zero" channel values are
> actually slightly positive and slightly negative at floating point
> precision. At 16- and 32-bit integer precision the "zero" values are
> slightly positive.
> If the destination profile has the "V4-when-saved-as-V2" 4096-point sRGB
> TRC, then there are no negative channel values, and the near-zero
> channel values are always equal to each other if the channel values are
> equal to each other in the source color space. However, the resulting
> RGB channel values in the destination color space are quantized, which
> means information is lost.
> Why the odd conversion results for zero and near zero channel values? Is
> there a workaround? Or perhaps I'm using the wrong LCMS ICC profile
> conversion parameters?
> Best regards,
> Elle
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