Hi Elle,

I've tried RedHat 6 with gcc 4.4.7 and a old Mac PowerPC running  
darwin9 4.0.1, in both cases I got no issues, and the return values  
were the expected ones. I wonder how you do to get this particular  

> transicc -c0 -t1 -w -o sRGB-V2-g10.icc -i sRGB-V4-g20.icc
> 255 255 0
> R=255.0000 G=255.0000 B=0.0134 (the B channel should be zero)
> 255 0 0
> R=255.0000 G=0.0282 B=0.0000 (the G channel should be zero)
> 255 0 255
> R=255.0000 G=0.0331 B=255.0000 (the G channel should be zero)
> 255 0.001 0.001
> R=255.0000 G=0.5037 B=0.5051 (G and B should be equal to each other)

As said I cannot reproduce this 0.0134, 0.0282 and 0.5037. In all my  
tests I got zero, either on positive or negative side. Maybe you used  
a different profiles? Could you check the profiles you sent?

Otherwise, regarding the fact gimp does not like the negative numbers,  
the obvious fixup is to run a filter on the buffers removing the  
values the app does not like. This cannot be done at CMM level because  
there are other apps that do use such values. A simple for loop and a  
couple of if statements to clamp between 0 and 1.0 woudl solve the  


Quoting marti.ma...@littlecms.com:

> Hi Elle,
> Thanks for reporting. I was using VS2012 and VS2013 under win7. Next
> monday will try some linux and mac. If platforms differ, then this may
> be a nasty issue.
> Regards
> Marti.
> Quoting Elle Stone <ellest...@ninedegreesbelow.com>:
>> On 09/11/2014 06:32 PM, marti.ma...@littlecms.com wrote:
>>> Hi Elle,
>>> Sorry, with the profiles you sent and transicc from lcms2-2.6, this does
>>> not happen. I got the expected values.
>>> Please check the version of lcms2 you are using.
>>> BTW, -c0 is not needed in lcms2 and may cause problems. This may be the
>>> source of the issue in versions previous to 2.6
>>> M:\lcms2-2.6\bin>transicc -c0 -t1 -w -o sRGB-V2-g10.icc -i sRGB-V4-g20.icc
>>> LittleCMS ColorSpace conversion calculator - 4.2 [LittleCMS 2.06]
>>> Enter values, 'q' to quit
>>> R? 255
>>> G? 0
>>> B? 0
>>> R=255.0000 G=0.0000 B=-0.0000
>>> Enter values, 'q' to quit
>>> R? 255
>>> G? 255
>>> B? 0
>>> R=255.0000 G=255.0000 B=0.0000
>>> Enter values, 'q' to quit
>> Hi Marti,
>> Thanks! for checking. I tried with and without "-c0", running LCMS2
>> versions 2.5, 2.6 and from git on my 64-bit Gentoo box. I also
>> checked on a 32-bit OpenSuse machine and a 32-bit Arch Linux
>> machine. Results were identical in all cases. The near-zero and zero
>> channel values aren't converting correctly.
>> Could our different results be from running different platforms? I
>> don't have access to an Apple or Windows machine.
>> As a check I tried converting a 16-bit tiff with a gradient running
>> from red to black, zero in the green and blue channels, from linear
>> gamma to gamma=2.0 versions of sRGB, using cctiff, tifficc, and
>> tificc.
>> Upon opening the converted tiffs with GIMP from git and color
>> picking across the gradients, the cctiff and tifficc gradients were
>> still zero in the green and blue channels, all across the gradient.
>> But the tificc version had green channel values between 0 and 10,
>> and blue channel values between 0 and 3, flipping randomly as the
>> red channel value changed (not proportional to the red channel value).
>> Elle
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