Feature Requests item #506946, was opened at 2002-01-22 04:29
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Category: Dachstein
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Ewald Wasscher (ewaldw)
Assigned to: Charles Steinkuehler (cstein)
Summary: Wishlist for next "Dachstein" release.

Initial Comment:
My wishes for "Dachstein":

Have a source tree in CVS from which one can build 
the core packages. (initrd?, root, etc, modules, log)

Build support for multiple ramdisks into linuxrc.

Modify linuxrc to work without sed. This will reduce 
size if we start using an initrd with statically 
linked binaries. Personally I think Oxygen linuxrc is 
cleaner and more readable, so perhaps we could make 
it a bit like that one and steal a few ideas from it.

At least keep 2.2.x kernels as an option as 2.2 
masquerading still seems to have better support for 
difficult protocols like ipsec, directplay, msn 
messenger to name a few. Also 2.2 kernels are 
considerably smaller than 2.4 kernels.

Keep the possibility of a workable 1-floppy release. 
This may force us to use an alternative c-library for 
the core packages, and have glibc as an addon. (did I 
say uClibc)

Create a pre-built 2.2.20 kernel.

Skip glibc 2.1.x as it will be autodated quite soon.

Generic update of all programs.

Replace the usual system programs with smaller 
versions, or offer smaller ones as an alternative. 
This will make it easier to keep evertything on 1 
floppy. (dcron, udhcp, busybox ash)

When we switch to busybox ash: Remove the need for 
getopts and exp from POSIXness/linuxrc and replace 
them with busybox expr and getopt.

Replace every possible program with their busybox 

Rewrite all initscripts so that these will work with 
busybox start-stop-daemon once the busybox-unstable 
branch becomes stable. (In fact it is quite stable 
already I think) BB start-stop-daemon only accepts 
short-style arguments like "-K" not the long style 
ones like "--pid-file=".

Ship with some SSH version by default?

Web-based configuration? (mini_httpd + ssl?)

If possible builtin support for bandwidth managment 
like Jacques' and Eric's release. With uClibc this 
should fit on 1 floppy-disk.

Ewald Wasscher


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