on 24.07.2011 01:39, KP Kirchdoerfer wrote:
> Hi all;
> I think we've made enough steps forward to 4.1 to build a first beta, but I'm 
> not shure if we do have showstoppers, which can be solved or has to be moved 
> to a later version.
> David, do we need to wait for your work on isc-dhcp? I guess it can be done 
> later...
> Andrew, I saw that you committed linker options to MasterInclude.mk. Of 
> course 
> reviewing the Makefiles to easy buildtool setups. But I think it will not 
> break 
> our current setups - am I wrong?
> Erich, webconf and haserl in its current state is broken. Do you intend to 
> work on these issues soon, or shall we move the update of haserl and webconf 
> to a later release?

Could you be more specific please? I guess the current version is in
master, but as this changes on a whim and gives me grief I kept all my
work on my local experimental branch.

My experimental branch will not be compatible with the version you'd
like to see for Bering, as I followed up on my ideas of package contents
to see if they are practical. There I will also introduce pwcrypt into
the webconf package as it does not make sense to leave it in its own. It
gets distributed with webconf anyway. All these changes of course affect
the entire development tree, as they are reflected in source.conf.

Again, something has changed in the repository and I have no clue how to
handle it. I don't want to spend all my time to limp behind a changing
repository. Could  you people please be so kind and warn others about
the effects your modifications may have on the repository?

To port my modifications to the master branch requires me to redo all
the small changes. I would if *@#!ยง GIT would not get in my way all the

mega@luna:~/leaf/devel/leaf> git branch
* experimental
mega@luna:~/leaf/devel/leaf> git checkout master
error: You have local changes to 'repo/webconf/buildtool.cfg'; cannot
switch branches.

Anyway I somehow managed to get to master and

mega@luna:~/leaf/devel/leaf> ./buildtool.pl buildclean webconf
calling 'make clean' for webconf: [0.K.]
removing installed files for package webconf [0.K.]
deleting webconf type build from installed list [0.K.]
mega@luna:~/leaf/devel/leaf> ./buildtool.pl build webconf
make the list of required source packages:  nothing to do [0.K.]
make the list of required build packages: webconf [0.K.]

build source/package: webconf
calling 'make build' for webconf [0.K.]

Now to port back the non poisoneous parts of my changes I better need to
know them. How do I compare the current directory to the same in my
experimental branch?



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