I had a quick look in the kernel config files and came up with a few
questions you may be able to answer. All my findings are based on the
latest git master version.

Bering-3.14.20.config-versatile     Bering-3.14.36.config-i486.patch
Bering-3.14.36.config               Bering-3.14.36.config-i686
Bering-3.14.36.config-bcmrpi        Bering-3.14.36.config-i686.patch
Bering-3.14.36.config-bcmrpi.patch  Bering-3.14.36.config-versatile.patch
Bering-3.14.36.config-geode         Bering-3.14.36.config-x86_64
Bering-3.14.36.config-geode.patch   Bering-3.14.36.config-x86_64.patch

1) Here we see the variants of the kernel config files. What is the
versatile variant for and why is it not updated?

2) We are keeping config files and patch files for each variant. Why is
this so? We could either keep patch files or config files, as they can
be created from each other. This is confusing. I am tending towards
keeping the patch files because then we can have a base variant where
all the common config goes.

So I would like to see the Berning-xx.yy.zz.config-variant files
disappear from the git repository. They are just redundant.

I did some work on the config files and decided to use i486 as a base
variant. It was quite easy to create patches for the other variants from
the i486 and it reduced patch size by more than 90%. I believe the short
patches are easier to read and understand. Config size is not really a
concern, config maintenance may be though.

for example this is the geode variant
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mega mega 74192 Apr 15 18:23
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mega mega 355 Apr 15 18:35 Bering-3.14.36.config-geode.patch

So the size of the geode patch can be reduced to 0.4% of the original
patch size.

for the i486 config
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mega mega 62107 Apr 15 18:23
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mega mega 355 Apr 15 18:24 Bering-3.14.36.config-i486.patch

The size of the i486 patch is shrunk to 0.5% of its original size

for the i686 config the difference is not that big
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mega mega 62200 Apr 15 18:23
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mega mega 593 Apr 15 18:25 Bering-3.14.36.config-i686.patch

Here we just see a reduction to 1% of the original patch file.

The size of the redundant config files
-rw------- 1 mega mega  97286 Apr 15 18:18 Bering-3.14.36.config-geode
-rw------- 1 mega mega 101777 Apr 15 18:37 Bering-3.14.36.config-i486
-rw------- 1 mega mega 101778 Apr 15 18:38 Bering-3.14.36.config-i686
-rw------- 1 mega mega 101758 Apr 15 23:07

On an estimate we are keeping about 1MB of redundant information in the
config files alone (per kernel version). One MB of redundancy is not
really much, one MB of confusion may be :-)



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