Am 16.04.2015 um 13:06 schrieb Andrew:
> Hi.
> 16.04.2015 11:02, Erich Titl пишет
> AFAIR we decided to store config files just for cases when patch doesn't 
> lays on new kernel config, for easier troubleshootong.

So if you don't trust patch, why patch?

>> So I would like to see the Berning-xx.yy.zz.config-variant files
>> disappear from the git repository. They are just redundant.
>> I did some work on the config files and decided to use i486 as a base
>> variant. It was quite easy to create patches for the other variants from
>> the i486 and it reduced patch size by more than 90%. I believe the short
>> patches are easier to read and understand. Config size is not really a
>> concern, config maintenance may be though.

> Maybe it's a good idea. Most platforms (including future builds for 
> embeded platforms like SOHO routers) are non-SMP tiny boxes, except 
> i686/x86_64 that are targeted to use on 'big routers'.

Typically the differences are minute, even for big routers/servers



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