Noel Pearson will be speaking at the Speak Loud for Land Justice public 
meeting in Melbourne on Thursday evening.

Speak Loud is a forum for indigenous people to put their views on land 
rights and sovereignty issues. It has been initiated by the Yorta Yorta 
Nation Aboriginal Corporation.

Other speakers include Monica Morgan (Yorta Yorta), Margaret Gardiner and 
Marjorie Thorpe. Murrandoo Yanner and Michael Mansell were previously 
advertised but have had to withdraw due to community commitments.

Speak Loud begins at 7pm on Thursday, December 9, at Storey Hall, RMIT, 
Swanston St, city. The forum has been dedicated to the memory of the late 
Ron Castan QC, who fought several keynote native title cases.

An exhibition of indigenous art is currently running at Storey Hall and 
will be open to meeting-goers before and after the meeting. Refreshments 
will be provided after the meeting for those who want to visit the 
exhibition and continue the discussion.

The meeting is also endorsed by the Koori-Gubbah Club (Monash Uni), Trade 
Unionists for Land Rights, Defenders of Native Title, Students for Land 
Justice and Reconciliation (Melbourne Uni) and the RMIT Aboriginal and 
Torres Strait Islander Support and Liaison Unit.

For more information ring David Glanz on 0418 316 310.

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