Thank you, Wendy. I didn't know if I was overlooking another place to put these tales...for all I know, there could be a tale-tab... <L>


Hi Sally,

Notes sounds like as good a place as any to record this sort of thing. Before you make any decisions, though, think about what you would like to do with that information - do you want to have it print on reports, and do these Notes print on the reports you want them in? If the Notes do what you want (and don't do what you don't want) then they fit your needs. :-)

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,
Wendy Howard
Kaiwaka, Northland, New Zealand <>

----- Original Message -----
*From:* "Heeren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* 03/27/2008 11:32:24 AM +1300
*Subject:* [LegacyUG] Family Tales <g>


When you have time, could those of you who have dealt with this tell me what method you used?

I have some wonderful family stories that cannot be proved, nor would proving them make a bit of difference to the genealogy of the family in any way, but I would like to have them in my Legacy files for future generations to read once the story tellers are gone.

For instance, my Aunt Abbie told me that her Grandmother Mary Engleby came to the USA with her parents as a small child (that has been proved). On the ship coming over, she got very sick & died...during preparations for her funeral at sea someone thought they saw movement & they worked on her & she survived...until she died in 1916 at the age of 67. <g>

I've been putting such stories as this in Notes with the name of the person who told me the story as source along with the date they told me.

Does anyone have a better way?  Or is this the best way?



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